Post by Fawnstar on Apr 3, 2017 19:03:55 GMT
One night you decide to take a trip into the forest and see what lies beyond your twoleg fences. You wander through the dark woods, seeing only by the light of the full moon, until you hear the noise of many cats ahead of you. You are curious about the new scents, so you quietly peer through the brush until you see three powerful looking cats standing on a massive pile of stones. Many cats are scattered about at the base of the stones, staring up at the three. One of the three suddenly stiffens and stares right in your direction. "Intruder!" she yowls, and soon there are cats leaping onto your back and dragging you to the base of the stones. "It smells like a kittypet!" one cat calls. "What should we do about it?" a large white tom asks the three. One of the three glances down at the tom and calmly says, "the Clans are in hard times. Everyone could use more warriors and we are in no position to be choosy about where they come from." She turns to the other two cats with her on the stones and they both nod. "It is decided then. You are invited to join one of our Clans. Life will be much harder than your kittypet life but it is well worth it to be free. Now you must choose, EchoClan, BreezeClan, or RippleClan?" Enter The Power Of Three